Vintage Champagne Saucer, 4 oz.
Rental Rate: $1.00
Additional Information
- Rented in racks of 25
- Tier Two
- As a note, all of our vintage collections are all finite-quantity (non-replaceable), authentic, antique pieces. Please be advised that although the included quantity is currently available for your date, if we have some type of loss on this product at another event between now and your delivery date, we ll be substituting any quantity we re short with the next closest available item. (This catastrophic loss is highly unlikely, but we'd be remiss if it wasn't mentioned.)
* Prices are subject to change. Applicable sales tax, delivery and other fees not included in this price estimate.
* Please call us with any questions about our vintage champagne saucer 4 oz. serving Honesdale PA, Wayne County, and surrounding areas.