Party Sales
NEW! Foam Powder Pack
Sale Price: $29.00
Additional Information
- You can trust us 100%! We refuse to purchase any ingestible food or topical accessory product to any of our rental inventory unless it meets strict health-conscious criteria. We perform rigorous research and extensive product sampling until we find the best!
- 100% All-Natural, Plant-Based Solution!
- Board Certified Dermatologist Approved
- Gluten-Free surfactants
- Phosphate Free
- NO Fragrances, Dyes, or Coloring
- Vegan, Cruelty Free (no animal ingredients or testing!)
- Hard Water Soluble
- Cold Water Tolerable
- No Stickiness, No Sliminess, No residue at all!
- Does Not Stain
- After the Bubbles Subside, it Will Feel Like Nothing More than Water was on Your Skin!
* Prices are subject to change. Applicable sales tax, delivery and other fees not included in this price estimate.
* Please call us with any questions about our new foam powder pack serving Honesdale PA, Wayne County, and surrounding areas.